Today was a huge day for a lot of people. It was the first day the new legal Monitum was said in Australian wedding ceremonies. The legal paperwork has also changed to reflect the LGBTIQ community.
I started my day at cricket, where I proudly told the cricket dad’s about the changes which were taking place in my weddings today.
Then it was off to a play in the park where I chatted to friends Monica and Marti, a same sex couple. I felt like I could not stop talking. I wanted to share with them everything that had happened over night for us as celebrants.
I then had the pleasure of getting together with a same sex couple to fill in the brand spanking new Notice of Intended Marriage form. CAN I GET A WHOOP WHOOOP???
Then I was off to Vue on Halycon where I had the pleasure of marrying Amelia and Kieran. Kieran is the brother of a past bride, Caitlin. Caitlin is a lawyer and she knew when I was getting to the Monitum. Most people were not aware that the legalities had changed as of today. Caitlin; however, knew. I looked at her as I said the new inclusive words, we smiled to each other and I felt on top of the world.
Finally it was back home for a legals only ceremony with 8 people in attendance.
WOW, what a day.
Things have changed, they have changed for the better!
After all, Love is love and love is actually all around!